Katie has been a hygienist for 15 years. She had chronic low back pain and wore a back brace. It was so bad that her kids had to put her socks and shoes on for her. She tried chiro, massage, and PT and found herself getting progressively worse. It ended up that she has a ruptured disc and several herniated discs.
She has just turned 39 and wanted to feel better by 40 so she joined my program. 8 weeks later, Katie has NO PAIN. She is a literally different person. Before my program, she thought about pain 24 hours a day. She dreaded going to work and her family was getting the worst of her because she was miserable.
She can now come home and play with her kids, she took her daughter camping, which she says a year ago she would never even consider. She hasn’t worn her back brace since she started my program and actually had forgotten about it! She shared with me that she worked on 10 patients one day and she got home and was fine.
She is surprised how short of time it took her to get rid of her pain and said “it was easier than I thought it would be”. She says that she could’ve saved herself so much time and money and taken better care of herself if she had done this sooner and that “you need to feel good if you’re going to help other people.”
Julie has been practicing hygiene for 8 years. Prior to starting my program, she was experiencing tingling in her mid-back and pain in her low back. She expressed to me that she was on the verge of tears during her last few patients of the day and couldn't wait to "get horizontal".
Julie worked out consistently on her own 4-5 days a week. She lifted weights, did hot yoga and cardio. She would rest on the weekends and feel better..only to start having pain Monday after only a couple of patients in.
Since joining my program, she is now completely pain free! She can enjoy her practice and no longer has to think about how she is going to get rid of her pain. She makes it through the end of her day with no problem and can come home and enjoy her evenings.
Julie says that my "program is a game changer" and after the call even shared with me that she picked up a temp job in addition to her 4 days a week of practice where before my program she would've said "HECK NO."
Kristin is a hygienist who has been practicing for 5 years and came to me with chronic head and neck pain who also experienced regular tension headaches.
After years of working out between Beachbody and CrossFit, she wasn’t sure what to do.
She was hesitant to try another thing but after joining my Dumbbells for Dentistry program says “I wished I would have started sooner” and that “my program has been a huge game changer”.
Watch to learn how Kristin went from reoccurring massage and chiro visits to no longer needing constant appointments because she's not in pain.
Lori has been practicing hygiene for 24 years. She was referred to me because her hip pain was so bad that she could barely get out of bed. She had to stop doing the activities that she loves the most-hiking and cycling.
Lori worked out regularly and would push through her workouts but then suffer with pain for up to 5 days after a workout. She would take naproxen to minimize the pain and had to stop hiking and cycling completely prior to working with me.
Since joining my program, she is now pain free and can enjoy hiking and cycling with no issues. Lori said that she felt hopeless, but my program gave her hope, and she now has things to look forward to.
Donna had been practicing for 29 years and came to me with neck pain, sciatica, and her hip pain was so bad that she couldn't sleep. She was exhausted all the time and couldn't do anything after work. She was desperate to feel better.
Donna was scared of getting injured because she would try other workout programs and often get hurt early on and not be able to complete the program. She used to hesitate to pick things up off the floor because she knew it was going to hurt-it was even hard to get out of the car without hurting.
Since completing my program, she is pain-free and feels "so good in her body." She feels stronger and healthier and that she can do her job for longer. She's also not thinking about when she can retire and feels like she can do her job as much as she would like to and for as long as she would like to.
She says she can't recommend my program enough and likes that I give personal support, encouragement, and knowledge to my clients. She would say to other hygienists considering doing my program that "you won't regret it."
Courtney has been in dentistry for 20 years. She worked 5 days a week for years but could not enjoy weekends, was in pain trying to turn her head and even sitting upright. It hurt just to take in a deep breath. She ended up going down to 4 days, then down to 3 days.
She lived off ibuprofen, she tried acupuncture, acupuncture with electric stimulation, had lidocaine injections in her neck, shoulders and back, twice a week chiro appointments, massage and yoga. NOTHING fixed her pain problem.
Since my Dumbbells for Dentistry program, she has not had any neck or back issues in months, she is happier, and her husband even noticed that she isn’t complaining anymore. She has now gone back to practicing 4 days a week and picked up a FIFTH DAY TEMPING!
She can now ski and do things she enjoys because she is not hurting anymore. She even did 4 SRPS in one day and wasn’t hurting when she got home. Her advice to other hygienists is “don’t wait until it’s too late- prevention, prevention, prevention”. She also says that she recommends my program to any hygienist.
Brandi had been practicing for 4 years and had a shoulder blade pain that would burn all the time and felt miserable. She lifted weights at the gym 4 days a week but always felt like she was working the wrong muscles.
She wanted a program that was geared towards working the muscles that would benefit her and her career. She didn't want to go to work and be sore in the areas she didn't want to be sore in.
Since joining my program, she no longer has pain and hasn't for months (she actually forgot that she had that pain). She can sit up straighter for longer and her core feels tighter.
She likes following a structured program with a warm up and cool down where she is sore the next day, but not in pain. She is glad she invested in herself and to see that it is working and actually helping her she says is "huge".
Richelle had been practicing for 5 years and came to me feeling “fed up with the way she felt”. After a performance review where she got a raise, and with her neck and shoulders killing her, she wondered if that new raise could help her cut back a day.
Richelle started my program and with working out only 2 days per week, she now has no neck, upper trap, or shoulder pain.She even talks about how she bought ergonomic loupes and doesn’t regret buying them, but she feels that my workouts were truly what helped her get rid her pain.
Richelle now feels “basically back to normal” and even picked up a second job practicing 5-6 days a week!
When asked what she would say to anyone considering working with me she said “it is an investment, but I would pay for it again” and it is “100% worth it”.
Simone has been practicing for 18 years and was consistently working out on her own, 5-6 days a week. Her burning under her shoulder blade was constant and she had sciatica.
She came to me wanting something that was more efficient because during her workouts, things would hurt but she would push through anyways.
Since doing my program, she likes that she is sore after a workout, but not hurt. She now feels stronger, she doesn't hurt, she has forgotten about the burning under her shoulder blade, and her sciatica is gone.
Her advice to another hygienist considering working with me is to "do it" and to "invest in yourself because it will benefit you not only for career longevity but in all aspects of your life."
Tammy is a hygienist who has been practicing 23 years. She had been working out on her own 5-6 days a week.
She had a lot of ailments and realized she was not working out properly OR working the right muscles. After joining my program, she is feeling stronger, has more range of motion, better balance, and her hips feel better.
She says that along with the specialized workouts, she has gained knowledge from the supplemental resources I include in my program as well.
When asked what advice she would give to another hygienist considering my program, Tammy says that my program is definitely worth the money and worth the time.
Page is a hygienist who has been practicing for 10 years. She joined my program and no longer has upper trap or mid back pain and she can sit up straighter for longer!
She has more energy and isn't grumpy after work from being in pain and
can actually enjoy cooking dinner. She also told me "my glutes are looking great in my swimsuit and hiking is a lot easier"
Lastly, she shared that before my program she could never workout after work because she was in pain but now, she can! She loves having a structured routine where she doesn't have to think and can be more compliant.
Megan has been a hygienist for 19 years and had pain between her shoulder blades, and shoulder pain. She thought it was inevitable that she would have to stop practicing soon.
She had done chiro, acupuncture, and massages monthly for her entire career. She also worked out consistently for years with multiple personal trainers and a variety of different programs, but nothing fixed her pain.
She never expected to feel better or for her pain to go away, she was doing all these things so it wouldn’t get worse and to make it tolerable. Now she doesn’t have any pain, she gets through the day without wondering when the day going to and be over, she isn’t dreading patients that won’t lean back.
She now realizes that she had muscle imbalances and now that everything is evened out, she feels great. Now she doesn’t feel like she needs to cut back on work at all.
She was even able to go kayaking with her husband for his birthday when before she wouldn’t have gone because she thought it would make her pain worse and she wouldn’t be able to work.
Her advice to other hygienists is to start immediately! She says there is no need to go through any more months or any more patients having to feel pain. She says to “sign up yesterday”.
Tara has been a hygienist for 9 years and suffered from chronic neck, shoulder, and low back pain. Work was becoming extremely difficult for her and she had to go to PT and chiro weekly. She was spending a lot of money & time just to be able to work.
Since joining my Lift for Longevity program she has no pain, doesn’t need PT or chiro, has a lot more energy, and can pick up extra shifts when she wants to. She used to think her pain was a permanent thing but now knows it is all muscular and that it is fixable.
She even told me that her back “feels better than it did before starting hygiene” and her workdays are passing a lot faster because she isn’t physically stressed. She can sit up perfectly straight naturally and no longer worries about getting injured if she turns to pick something up.
She says that my program is 100% worth it. It saves her time because she can now do stuff on her days off because she feels great. Not being sore and tired has allowed her not only practice pain-free but has improved in all areas of her life.
Jennifer has been a hygienist for 8 years and she had a lot of neck and back pain and felt like her posture was hunched.
At home, she couldn’t pick up her daughter or play with her son which made her feel like she wasn’t able to be the mom she wanted to be.
After starting my lift for longevity program, she now feels “amazing” and like a totally different person. She can get to the end of her workday and not have pain, she can sit up straighter for longer, she is able to play with her kids, is less irritable, and is even sleeping better.
Since she is feeling better mentally and physically, she can stay motivated and wants to workout because she is seeing results.
She explains that the thoroughness of my program and my care is beneficial and that other hygienists to “take the plunge because it honestly is the best thing”.
After 22 years in hygiene, she had to leave her job because of chronic headaches, numbness in her fingers, and constant tension. She would push through her pain but was quietly suffering.
She did PT, massage, chiro, she worked out consistently on her own, but nothing helped. She felt lost because no one was helping her with her pain. She was even told she needed to quit her job. She was referred to me by another client of mine and she knew her pain was from tension in her muscles, so she joined my Lift for Longevity program.
She feels open, isn’t tight, has increased mobility, headaches are non-existent, and feels like she can function pain-free. In addition, she has not been back to the chiro or massage in 5 months.
Her mental state is better, she is happier, and taking care of her body is a priority because she cherishes being pain free and not having to do all the band aid fixes.
Her advice to other hygienists interested in my program is to “do it and don’t hesitate because it will truly help you”. She then says to “listen, follow, and do and it will be worth it, I promise”.